Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Little Tricky

Good afternoon.  It still is so very cold outside but at least the sun is warming up and staying out later.
This is my new 11 x 14 watercolor on 200lb paper.  It is in a 2" white mat.
The title is "Little Tricky".
Please join my blog or leave me a comment.  Hope that you like it.  Let Campbell Steele Gallery in Marion, Ia, or the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art Store in Cedar Rapids Ia, or Catiris Gallery in Amana, Ia know how much you enjoy my work.  Purchase one of my original paintings.  Stop back later this week.  Thanks for viewing.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Good afternoon to all of you great folks viewing my blog.  I am very happy to be able to take the color of paint to a great piece of 140lb watercolor paper, listen to the great jazz station and take the music and my inner thoughts and disperse them unto this space.  I hope you enjoy this 11 x 14 original.  Check out one of the galleries that I am in.
Read my bio.  Take care.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Thanks for viewing my watercolor painting today.   So please enjoy this work of art.  You will notice a small line of paper on the left side.  That is where the tape goes to hold this 11 x 14 work in its designated spot.  So please put that aside.  Hope that you enjoy this piece.  Let me know.  Check out my Google+ also. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Steps In Journey

Good afternoon on this 4" day of snow.  Well another time of shoveling the driveway, sidewalk and making a path in the backyard for our poodle to fertilize our yard.
This is a 11 x 14 watercolor with a 2" white mat.  I enjoyed making this painting early this morning.   I hope that you like it.  Let me know.  Leave a comment.  Thanks for looking.  Read my bio.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Outdoor Colors

Good afternoon.  It again is cold, snowy and a chance of more snow and freezing rain tomorrow.  I think I will stay in and check out my studio and do some watercolors on 200 lb paper.  That is my favorite. 
This is a 11 x 14 watercolor with a 2" white mat.  I am wishing about the colors coming soon so I named this painting "Outdoor Painting". Hope you enjoy and leave me a comment.  Check me out on Google+.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Good morning.  Another cold day.  But warmth is in the studio with  watercolor and brushes.  This is a newer original.  I called it P.S..  This is an 11 x 14 with a 2 and 1/2 white mat.  Please check out my bio and where my paintings are located to purchase.  Thanks for looking and hope you enjoy.  Leave me a comment if you wish.  Thanks

Sunday, February 9, 2014

You Bet

Good morning.  Hope that you are in an area with some warmth and no snow.  I am in an area of cold and snow.  Oh well, keeps me busy with  these lovely watercolor 11 x 14 original paintings.  Hope you check out my bio and the Google+.  You will find the galleries that I am in.  Contact them to buy a painting of mine.  Thanks and keep looking......Title of this painting is "You Bet".

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Welcome to my blog.  Check me out on Google+ also.  This watercolor painting is a 16 x 20 with a 2 and 1/2 white mat.
The title of this painting is "percolate".  I hope the painting is energizing your thoughts and internal feelings for a well brewed day!!
Let me know if you like it.  Stop back again.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Oh My

Good afternoon.  I cant believe that I found out the way to get my paintings back on blog but we will continue to see if it is right.
This is a 16 x 20 watercolor with a 2 and 1/2 white mat.  The title of this painting is "Oh My".
The reason for that is that maybe I finally figured this different usage on the blog.  I hope that you like it.  Check out my paintings on "Google Plus" also.  Thanks and write me a note if you like this painting.