Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Good Afternoon---This is a newer 11 x14 watercolor in a 2" white mat.   I call this painting "Intersection" as it has the yellow, blue and red colors with lines in all directions.  And as we all know when there are lanes of traffic and stoplights there are intersections.
I wont be able to continue painting today--it is our poodle day.  Big day to go to the Veteranarian and spend more money in 20 minutes than I make in two months but it is to keep our grand pup healthy and happy.... No fleas--no worms--no what ever.....Stop back later this week.  I am working on another for the blog and a gallery that I am in...Thanks for stopping. 
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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spotted On Saturday

Morning--I did in fact spot this one today at 0600 in my studio.  I was checking some of my papers and I had this watercolor sitting near by.  I had forgotten this painting to get arranged into an 11 x 14 white mat.  I had accomplished "Spotted On Saturday" several days ago.  Since it is spotted and on a Saturday--well you get the idea.  It will be ready for a gallery destination by tomorrow.  Hope that you enjoy and have a great weekend.... 
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Friday, April 26, 2013

Place In Purple

Afternoon or Evening--I am so happy to supply you with this blog with a newer painting called "Place In Purple".  I am getting excited for the football season and the Minnesota Vikings. To do well on the draft which I think they have and give us a tremendous season.  I grew up in Minnesota and went to college there and the Vikings was and always has been my team.  When I married and moved to Iowa my father in law was a Vikings fan so we both were excited every fall.  Hope that you enjoy this painting.  Thanks for looking.  No wonder the word Purple was in the title...... 
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Little Tricky

Ok I said that my next 11 x 14 with a 2" white mat would be entitled "A Little Tricky".  Well here it is.  Yes all abstract full of color are very tricky.  Every piece of abstract art is chosen by the thoughts and feelings of each artist.  Displayed on this watercolor 140 pound paper is some ideas of a jazz intro full of a big band. Hope that you like and enjoy it.  Let me know---Join my blog. Take care and stop back soon.
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Sunday, April 21, 2013


Good morning----Hope you enjoy my new painting.  It has been in the works for a few days.  This is a 11 x 14 watercolor with a 2" white mat.  This is the Spanish spelling for "precaution".  I just happened to see the word and decided to name it that.  All of us artists, painting and musically always have to come up with a title for what we do.  At times it is a little tricky.  Thats my title for another painting--a little tricky....
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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I Made It To Sixty

Yes men and women, boys and girls, yours truly hit a big mark in the age category today.  I am now officially 60 years old as of 04:21 this am.  My mother always told me what a pain I was at that time.  So to symbolize my distinct life for 60 years here is a 11 x 14 abstract painting with a 2" white matte.  Thanks for looking and I hope I have at least another 25 years of abstract painting and blogging.  Stop back soon.....
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Saturday, April 13, 2013


Hello my favorite humans.  I am so glad that you follow my paintings.  I appreciate this very much.  I am getting ready to distribute some paintings to the Catiris Gallery in Amana Ia next week.  Actually it will be on my -----Birthday.  No I am not going to tell you my age.  Lets say I have gone through 2/3rds of life.......If you last until you are 80.  Anyway this is a 11 x14 original watercolor in a 2" white mat.  How I came upon this name for the painting is, well, I dont know.  Hope that you enjoy.  Take care and will be back soon....    
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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Early Days

First of all---listen to the great jazz station Kcck.org on your computer---in town of Cedar Rapids go to 88.3 fm.  What a fantastic station.  They are into their donation giving and you need to give to keep this piece of wonderment and best music that was ever made--Jazz on the radio and computer!!!!!
Ok so here is a 11 x 14 watercolor with a 2" white matte.  The name is "Early Days".  I was up at 0500 down into my studio and just going after a most outstanding piece of life (besides jazz) ---painting abstract!   Of course this is on the list after loving my honey of 39 years!  Take care and come back to my blog
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Warm Sunlight

Good Afternoon.  Well I named this piece "Warm Sunlight" as it is cold and raining, the skys are looking slate blue and grey.  I need some positive approach with colors.  Well as I am doing this blog Kcck. org is on the air asking for donations.  Hey this is the best jazz station in the nation!!  Really!
Give it a listen at www.kcck.org and keep the great jazz playing.  This jazz station keeps my art a going.  Thanks for viewing and listen now to Kcck......... 
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Sunday, April 7, 2013


Happy evening.
Beautiful evening outside.  Time to sit out on the porch and enjoy the new spring...Hope the cats will follow the wife and I out.  We have an enclosed porch so our little critters cant go chasing little varmits in the back yard.
Anyway here is my new watercolor painting.  It is a 11 x 14 with a 2" white matte.  I dont know how I got the word "Spangle" but I thought it would work.  Well my neighbor decided to start a large firepit fire and not even sitting next to it.  So now that blows our sitting outside.  Time to go back downstairs and start another painting.  Stop back...Thanks for viewing
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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Random Process

Good Afternoon--It is getting nicer outside for a walk with the pup and some thoughts on what type of paint or design should go on your next thought provoking painting.  Well after a mile or two yesterday I put some thoughts down on paper and went to it this early am.  I just finished this one.  It is a little wet yet but have to grab the light for the photo.  This painting is a 11 x 14 with 2" white mat.  Hope that you enjoy this work of art.  Become a member of my blog--sign up.
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Monday, April 1, 2013

Dream Texture

Well hello to April 1st.  Not a fools day today!  A little bit cold and windy but the sun is out and got me going this morning early to finish one I started a while back.  This is an 11 x 14 watercolor.  It has a 2" edge white mat.  It is some what of my dreams.  They never follow in sequence or a certain flow.
Hope you like this one.  Let me know.  Thanks for viewing.
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