Sunday, December 22, 2013

Whats Up

I had this painting listed on this blog the other day and some how it disappeared.  So here I try again to get on my blog.
This is a 16 x 20 watercolor with a 2 1/2" white mat.  I hope that you like it.  Please tell me.  Just comments about art and this painting please.  Get ready for Christmas this week.  Hope you all have a blessed time.  Take care and keep on checking my blog.... 
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Good afternoon and welcome to my blog.  Thanks for taking a peek and I hope you go to one of the galleries mentioned in my bio and purchase a art painting of mine.  This is an original watercolor size 11 x 14 in a 2" white mat.  I do mostly 11 x 14 and notecards.  I accomplish watercolor 16 x 20's twice a month.  Enjoy and thanks!
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Good afternoon----getting some notecards done for all you great people that love to frame these on your wall.  They are only $6.00 and can be bought at one of the three galleries that is listed in my bio.  These would be a great Christmas gift.  Every notecard done is original and there is never a duplicate .  In fact all of my artwork is original and never repeated.  So what you get is yours and yours only!!!  Enjoy! 
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Saturday, December 14, 2013


Good afternoon.  Here is one of my notecards that I completed this week.  I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends and relatives to look up my blog.  I would appreciate it.  Of course go to or call one of my galleries that I am in and purchase one of these.  Thanks
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Thursday, December 5, 2013


I just want to say good morning and thanks for viewing.  It has been a little slow the last week but will get back to painting shortly.  Hey its December and time to get ready for Santa.
Hope you enjoy my notecard,  They are available at the three galleries that are listed in my bio.
Stop back
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Turkey Day!!! Really!!

Well here is one of my notecards that I love to do before I start on my larger pieces of art.  These are for sale at all three of my galleries that I am in.  They are all original and if you purchase one it is the only one on the planet.  So when I kick the paint brush you will hold the only one that I did.  That goes for all of my 11 x 14's and 16 x 20's.  So if you are lifting this picture for your use without purchase--its not yours!!  It is mine only!!!  Have a Grand Turkey Day!!!!
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Flash Drive

Good afternoon on this kind of rainy, foggy, dark day.  It is fall.  To me fall is pretty for about 96 hours then the leaves fall and the trees look naked and cold.
Anyway, here is my newer watercolor 11 x 14 painting that I accomplished the last few days.  I was trying to determine a flash drive for my computer while I was painting this so that is why the name.  That is how it goes with abstract.  Right?  If not join my blog and let me know.  Take care and hope you enjoy.  Check out my paintings at the galleries listed in my bio. 
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Friday, November 8, 2013


Good afternoon.  This is my new 11 x 14 watercolor that took several days to finally decide which way and colors of paint to use on this particular painting.  I really love to put the lines in certain ways on a painting and this one kind of made me "wiggle" as to where to disperse them.  Hope you like it.  Take care and please join my blog or leave me a message.  Take care.
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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Staying Free

Here is a new 11 x 14 watercolor painting.  I called it "Staying Free" as the great Veterans Day is coming upon us.  Because of our Veterans we are able to be free and voice our opinions, paint what designs we would like to paint, and enjoy our lives.  So "Thank You".
I have been busy getting some of my work done as Christmas---"Thanksgiving" is around the corner
and we all have to get ready for purchasing of our work.  Thanks and check out the galleries that I am in.
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Afternoon.  This 11 x14 watercolor painting came to me a few days back when I was outside walking the dog and the wind kind of kept me sideways.  So that is how I came up with this title and how the lines do go "sideways".  I really had fun deciding which way the "wind" would blow and the colors and lines to integrate.  Thanks for looking and hope that you stop back soon. 
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Friday, October 25, 2013

Deep Grooves

Good afternoon.  Thank you so much for coming to my blog and viewing my abstract work.  This particular 11 x 14 watercolor has many deep grooves in the attached hues.  I had to obtain a name so I hope that it works out with you the viewer.  Check out some of my other paintings below. 
again, thanks for viewing and hope you support us the artist and the galleries where we are located.
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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hello There

Good afternoon
The wife and I just got back from the grocery store and eye doctor.
 Yep, I can still see and my eye pressure is just great.  Time for some wine.
 This is 11 x 14 that I finished this past weekend.  I had taken a lousy photo of it earlier this week and was not happy.  I took a new photo today and it came out looking how the painting actually looks.  I hope that you enjoy it and seek to patronize the galleries that I am in and purchase one of my hard worked on paintings.  Abstract painting is difficult and it comes from inside myself.  That is why I love this type of work!!!  Thanks and check later this week.  Listen to a great jazz!!!!   Check me out on Linkedin
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Monday, October 21, 2013

Yellow Deep

Good evening---Welcome to my blog and I hope that you enjoy my new 11 x 14 watercolor.  Please view and let your neighbors and family know of my blog.  All my work that you buy is original.  So please go to one of the galleries that I am in, purchase one of my paintings and help me survive. Thanks 
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Thursday, October 17, 2013


This is a very new 11 x 14 watercolor.  This early am in fact.  I was happy to put the sequence of colors and lines in to the proper lineage and make an early attempt at this one.  In fact I think I beat the wakening of the chickens--I dont have chickens but you know--early to rise and shine.  Hope you enjoy it and let me know or join my blog....Check out my work at the galleries in my area.
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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Watercolor Crayon and Watercolor Pencil piece.

I was listening to the great jazz group Adam KromelowTrio.  The fantastic trio is very outstanding.  They have a great cd out called "Youngblood".  They are here in Cedar Rapids tonight for a concert and in Iowa City tomorrow night.  Check them out!!!   Their new name on next cd is Krom
I was doing my practicing of watercolor crayon and watercolor pencil and their music kind of took me away and put the beat and melody together and let me improvise colors and lines.  Hope you like this 11 x 14 painting.  The title of this is "Line Flourish".
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Friday, September 27, 2013


Good Evening
This is one of my notecards that I created today before I started my larger paintings.  I always start out doing this size painting.  Gets my ideas going for the larger works. This is the standard size notecard that comes with an envelope to either keep or send to a friend or relative.  Check them out at the galleries that I am in.  Thanks for viewing and hope you like this.  Let me know.  Join me on Linkedin.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Welcome to my newer 11 x 14 watercolor.  It is called "roundabouts" with the circles amid circles .
I really hope that you like it and I would appreciate you joining my blog.  Thank you!!
Check out where my art is for sale at my bio.  Thank you
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Thursday, September 19, 2013

One On One

Good morning--Here is a wonderful piece that I finished yesterday following duties to be done around the house....vacuum--dust...Hey my wife loves me!!  Older you get the wiser you are to keep the outstanding meals on the table!!!!
Anyway here is a smaller painting.  This is watercolor and hope you enjoy.  Stop back later or sooner.  It is always a joy to have you view.  Purchase my work at the galleries listed under my bio. Thanks 
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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Watercolor Crayon and Pencil

Glad that you have taken the time to view my work.  I did some experimenting today with my watecolor crayons and watercolor pencils.  I usually just use the paint from a tube.  It is always fun to try another type of paint and I really like these items. Let me know what you think!  Thanks for looking.  This is a 11 x 14 painting,
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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Color In Levels

Good afternoon---I was very priviledged today to drop off a couple paintings and a small stack of my notecards for the silent auction of BrewNost 2013 this October 11, 2013.  Check it out at
This 11 x 14 is not one of them.  I just finished this today.  I had spent a couple days deciding which way the lines and colors should intermix with each other.  Enjoy, take care and join my blog!
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Friday, September 6, 2013


Well I have been busy with the notecards getting them ready for the fall purchases.
I hope that you enjoy this card and its colors and lines.  Let me know--Join my blog.
Thanks for viewing and tell your friends about my blog and art for sale....
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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Notecard

Ladies and Gentlemen---Here is another new notecard that I just finished yesterday.  Hope that you enjoy it and please visit the three great galleries that I am in and purchase one of my works of art and help support my work and the galleries....Thank you  
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just Waiting

Good Afternoon---With temps in the high 90's and my neighbor out mowing I thought this would be a good time to take a break from the outside and put into this blog a recent 11 x 14 watercolor painting.  This is matted with a 2" white mat.  I enjoyed the different designs and lines that I came upon while painting this in my studio.  Septemberr is around the corner with fall temps and colors.  My larger painting will start soon.  Hope you have enjoyed my notecard paintings.  They are available at the three great galleries that I am in.  Check with my bio for the places where to purchase my work.  Thanks for reading and looking.  Let me know how I am doing!  
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Monday, August 12, 2013


Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen--I am so happy that you take the time to view my blog with my watercolor work on cards and watercolor paper.  I am so proud to be available for sale at the galleries listed.  They all have been very helpful to me and I could not make it without them!!  Go to your galleries and purchase work.  Especially mine!!!  If you live in eastern Iowa make a drive!!
Enjoy and thanks so much for viewing!!  Tell your art friends about my blog!!! 
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Sunday, August 11, 2013


Good evening--well it has been a long time since I have given my blog a watercolor painting to view.  Here is a recent notecard that I did the other day.  It is summer and other things happen to not give the artist a lot of time to paint.  It will be on its way very soon.  Thanks for looking and let me know what you think of this card......Have  great week!!!
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